Ye Olde Renaissance Fair
Hear ye, hear ye… I went to the midsummer renaissance fair, and had a really awesome time! It was great walking through all the vendor booths and seeing all of the amazing costumes people made. But what was the best thing there? If you said “jousting”, you would be close, but wrong. It was in the arena, but the best part of the whole day were the amazingly talented gypsies. Ever seen people doing backflips and aerial stunts on horseback? I haven’t. Trust me, the pictures don’t do it justice. You just had to be there. But not wanting to be the guy with two cameras around his neck, with giant lenses to boot (we saw plenty of those people, they did not look too happy), I just brought my 5D Mark 3 and my 50mm f/1.4. So my lords and ladies, without further ado… Enjoy!
There were a surprising amount of pirates…
This guy is doing a backflip from the front horse onto the horse following behind him. Amazing!
The pickle lady. (She sells fresh pickles.) Quite delicious!
The lovely ladies I spent the day with. Might as well call this post “Trina, Gina, and friends.”
Note to self: that would be a good band name…